Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010


In my garden I like to spend time planting seeds in the spring and summer.
To watch the veggies and flowers start to grow, watering and caring for them, waiting for the suns love to shine down on my young seedlings, to give them the warmth they need, in the ground the seeds will grow, tall and bring out the beauty of flowers!

Waiting for nature to come to life in my yard and garden.

All the pretty flowers in my yard, bring the bees to collect the necter to take back to the hive to make the honey we love.

And the pretty birds that come to visit my feeder I always keep filled of bird seed to make the birds always come back for more. Birds bring me comfort to watch, and very relaxing just to sit back and take a break in my day to see the birds always busy tending to the nest, with a egg or two, baby birds will sooon hatch and fill the air with their chirps, calling to both parents to bring food and care for them!

Back in my garden, I take out the dredded weeds that always seem to pop up even when their is no rain.

Summmer is here, and all is beautiful, I pick the veggies in my garden always fresh and always I can't wait to take them inside to wash them and think about how to cook them or store for latre.

My garden I try to tend when I can, not always easy when the summers days are filled with going here and their, enjoying the fun of summer, yes it's hot but I love it...

Summer has always been my favorite time of year!!
Running outside, and playing and having fun, traveling and visiting new places.

For my garden is always waiting for me, and I must get back home to tend to it each day....

The broccoli I love to eat... what a treat!
The Cucumber, to make the pickles...
The onions, to make my sandwiches happy and add to my foods I love to cook.
Wish I had room for more!

The peppers hot and mild, make me so very happy...

Yes my garden brings me joy...
Glad am a country boy can't wait for garden time to come once again!!

All is good in the days of spring summer and fall!